Best way to do it is to buy the service of a decent ISPTV provider. Ask amongst yoiur mates because the reliable ones tend to only accept people via recommendations. No good going for onbe that advertises because they're easily located and close down. The one I use costs me £70 a year and I've had it for 2 years now. You will get access to every PL game, all the UEFA matches and, if you're into watching games in foreign leagues, you'll have access to all them as well.
You don't need to be a tech wizz. Once accepted you'll b e given a URL address to load onto your firestick, issue with a login name and password and you're up and running. You can get a top of thje range firestick for beween £40 and £50. You do need a decent internet provider if you want good qualikty streams.
But if I can give you a tip. When you've found one don't tell every man and his dog. As you'll know the TV companies hate them and rely on the public to tip them off. And a little known fact is they actually PAY for information that leads to the bigger ones being shut down.